Patrick starts a YouTube Channel, or, PREPARE FOR MAXIMUM VIDEO SILLINESS

Creatures of earth, hello and welcome. I know it’s been a while (Staind) since I’ve been over in this neck of the woods, but it’s been a busy couple of months!

Speaking of busy, I’ve had so many people tell me “Patrick, we need to see you!” Or “Patrick, your writing is so SEXY, we need to see you on camera,” or “Your writing sucks, you should probably just make videos.” 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ok, maybe none of those things were said, but I made a YouTube channel anyway!

You can find it HERE!

Here are the videos I’ve posted so far!

This one is about some beer I got from Mast Landing!

My first Shirts on Tap delivery!
Back Channel Brewing, or, a video about BOWLS.
Let me know what you think!
Until next time,